
Today we start the first “Ask Leslie” column.  If you submitted a question and do not see the answer, please visit us at Barbicide.com, where I have answered a few more!

Q: Hello Leslie! What an awesome way of connecting with industry professionals! Question regarding the proper use of Barbicide in a day spa setting. I am diluting 2 oz of Barbicide in 32 oz of water ( in a plastic spray bottle, with label a fixed). This makes a bit more than I can use in one 24 hr period. Is it necessary to pour the remaining portion out at the end of business each day?

L: Using properly concentrated Barbicide in a spray bottle is a great way to meet the needs for infection control and spare your budget!  The great thing about the spray bottle, is that you can continue to use the spray until the bottle is empty!  Because you are not putting anything into the disinfectant as you would with immersion, there is no risk of contaminating the Barbicide.  Keep in mind that you are only allowed to use spray disinfection in certain states, so know what your state will allow and spray away!

Q:  In the small spot I work in both my client and myself are both masked and distanced from everyone else, my concern is there is no ventilation in the room, no outside window to open. How much of a safety issue is this? I am a little concerned…

L: What we know about Coronavirus is that it appears to be transmitted based on distance, time and environment (including PPE).  By that I mean, if an infected person were in your workspace – either one of you or your clients, the ability to infect someone else is dependent on the distance between the people, the amount of time they are within close proximity, the ventilation in the room and PPE being used.  Clearly, you cannot change the size of the room or the ventilation, but what you can control is how many people are in the room and what protective measures are taken with regard to PPE.  It may make sense while numbers are so high to consider alternating days in the room, or adding some extra hours so that you are not both in the same small space at the same time.  This is definitely a situation where proper mask usage is very important – a clean or new one daily, covering your mouth and nose entirely!

Q: How to be firm yet nice for your anti maskers. Or better yet how to get the courage to tell them to leave. It sounds easy, but I find myself being too nice!

L: It is often hard to tell people things they don’t want to hear in a way that it can be received, and maybe keep them as a client!  In this situation, I think the easiest approach is to say, “I am sorry that you are uncomfortable in a mask, but the state (or my employer) is mandating 100% compliance, and I could lose my license (or job) if I allow it at my station”.  Likely, this is a true statement and they just need to be reminded of how your livelihood is dependent on them complying for even a short period of time.  It is unfortunate that anyone would put you in that position, but for your own safety, better to lose a client than to put yourself at risk!

Keep the questions coming…I hope you enjoyed the Holidays and Stay Safe!
